By 10:27 PM , , ,

So this is much much harder than i previously thought.

The hunt for the perfect template that's original yet free.. whilst simultaneously going 'i can do this myself' and trying to come up with a brilliant idea that epitomizes the voice of DPWI. I'm uncertain as to which is the more difficult task...

I think finally i'm developing a voice for DPWI that's my own. I was struggling to get her standing.. but i think she's almost standing upright now.. almost. I'm getting where i'd like to be. Delightful.


Who ever thought things would progress in such a manner? Supposed to be a business student.. Hurricane thwarted all my best laid plans.. became a law student, and fell in love with it... now i'm an art teacher.

I still want to do law..

There are some doors being presented to me that i can't help go and knock on... So many opportunities to develop myself - not just for law, but for life.

World Cup Cricket shall be here next week i believe. During that time there shall be a series of activities.. the M.I.G. fest(ivals)... by M.I.G. i mean, Made In Grenada.

Some friends and I are a part of W.A.G. (Writers Association of Grenada).. and we're getting some air time at the festival to read some of our work, i.e, poetry and short stories. I'm nervous, i'm excited, i'm happy. Hopefully i do just fine.. hopefully we all do fine and pull off a good performance.

I'll be presenting my pieces "Hits and Misses" and "The snail"..

Perhaps i shall post it online sometime soon.

That's all for updates.

OH we're on vacation now.
C'est tout.

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