Brazil... is cold.
Short, quick update.
I am alive, worry not. Although I
doubt anyone was worrying... I´m in Brazil... I shall right a lovely long
lengthy post soon. AND I´m taking looootttsss of pics...!
OHHH funny note from convo with Ru and I.
The Golden One - Unrequited - The relentless pursuit of truth says:
where are u now?
Shelli... [insert witty, life altering quote here]
in the business center why?
The Golden One - Unrequited - The
relentless pursuit of
truth says:
I mean country
Shelli... [insert
witty, life altering quote
here] says:
foz de iguaço
[insert witty, life altering quote
here] says:
Golden One - Unrequited - The relentless pursuit of truth says:
wat does that mean "f*ck an iguana?"
Shelli out.