Ok, this is half as bad as I think it is... but close enough to half to serve as a notable reminder for the future...
I can't believe I lived to regret 'unavailable' within an hour of it being said? C'mon.. who does that happen to? What kind of bad Karma is this? I've been trying to be good darn it.
I give up... I intended to write a beautifully long post to update what's been going on with me... but the spirit of writing has departed.
I'm going to bed.
Shelli is annoyed.
Shelli is feeling faint from her annoyance.
Remember to breathe Shelli... remember to breathe...
Deja Entendu
By Shelli 4:58 PM introspective moods, random thoughts, sickAfter one time is another.
In that sole moment, that was the only thought that entered my head - 'After one time is another'... Everything in life follows a rhythm, a series of beats. There's pause between each beat - some pauses longer than others, but nuntheless a pause. It is in those pauses one becomes reminiscent or nostalgic or depressed or hopeful or optimisitic. It is in those moments when the beat stops momentarily that the brain stops the action momentarily and official thought registers. This pause feels like a collision course sometimes, but it's always most enlightening. It's a near overdose of that cliché 'seeing things in perspective'. It's the moment of the real epiphanies.
It's in these breaks we just stop and think. Most of the time, not because we want to, but because there's nothing else when life pulls to a halt. As the beat is about to begin, two options presents themselves. Those two options are, shall the rhythm continue as it was before? Are you satisfied with the rhythm your life is dancing to? The pace? The intensity? The direction? The mood? OR... shall the beat be changed up a bit? Shall it be altered somewhat? And you determine that definition of the amount of what 'somewhat' entails...
Hmm.. rhythms... rhythms with the patterns/habits you form, the friends you make, the words you speak, the music you listen to, the dreams you have, the thoughts you allow... they're all rhythms... Life is full of rhythms...
The rhythm of the raindrops dripping on the leaves... coinciding with the footsteps crushing the grass... that "shh's" with every step stepping... in the direction towards the river's edge... where the rhythm of the sound is that of a continuous, fast-paced, yet soothing rhythm.
Guess what?
I've lost my voice. Thus, that means I'm sick - again.
Shelli out.
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Oh, i miss the little things..
By Shelli 7:29 PM Daily life, Happy Musings, introspective moods, oddities..., Quotes, random thoughts*deep inhale* Relax.
Today has been tiring. I did manual labour this morning. *gasp* As in, work with mud and weeds and such... My parents insisted that I come with them to the land. I nearly fractured my hip from a falling mango that connected with my side... And I nearly got a concussion, in addition to a possible fractured wrist from falling avocados I was helping to catch. Somewhere around that point, I declared there was too many health risks involved and I don't believe my insurance covers a clause "injury from falling avocado".
Think of how ridiculous it sounds if I actually got injured...
*teacher walking down the street*
Student: 'Miss, why were you absent from school?'
Teacher: 'A mango fell on my hip, and an avocado on my head.'
Doesn't that sound ridiculous? That makes the whole "dog ate my homework" thing possible.
Then, later on I went to Grand Anse.... bought myself one of those delicious fruit smoothies, met up briefly with a couple friends, then headed to the beach.
The beach always calms me. Soothes the soul... and makes me sleepy.
So on that note, I shall depart.
It doesn't mean much
it doesn't mean anything at all
the life I've left behind me
is a cold room
I've crossed the last line
from where I can't return
where every step I took in faith
betrayed me
and led me from my home
And sweet
sweet surrender
is all that I have to give
-Sweet Surrender' Sarah McLachlan
it doesn't mean anything at all
the life I've left behind me
is a cold room
I've crossed the last line
from where I can't return
where every step I took in faith
betrayed me
and led me from my home
And sweet
sweet surrender
is all that I have to give
-Sweet Surrender' Sarah McLachlan
Shelli out.
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Cherry blossoms bloom and the sun smiles along too...
By Shelli 6:15 PM Happy Musings, teaching, workSo tonight I shall try to type up something worth the effort of reading...
Today was good. I started my first practical class with my Form 4s... This is the first time they're doing art, so that's 3 years they didn't have. Last week, I did a crash course in the theory - made the basic vocabulary into a nutshell - Elements of Art. Hopefully, if all goes according to plan I could find some way to incorporate the theory in a by-the-way method with the practical. They all forgot to bring their stuff, so they used impromptu green pea tree leaves from outside. I can't rush the lesson... and I have to constantly remind myself to go slowly... But from one class, I think they show promise.
For tomorrow's class, they will be bringing in boxes. Nice, simple boxes. Perfect for clean lines... to understand basic shapes... to see distinct shade values. Yummy. *glares* Let's hope they remember. I shall go look for some things around the house in the event they do...
Floating on sunshine happy.
Ok, so yet again I have failed. I started this post early, punctuated it with snack breaks and all I've succeeded in doing is let the tiredness truly sink in.
Nite nite.
Shelli out.
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"There are days when solitude is a heady wine that intoxicates you with freedom, others when it is a bitter tonic, and still others when it is a poison that makes you beat your head against the wall."
-Sidonie Gabrielle Colette
She looks a little bit different now
Maybe a little bit softer round her eyes
Just a little bit different now
Maybe a little bit softer round her eyes
-"Softer" Jimmy Eat World
Today was a lovely day. Not too long ago, Shamz had a quote on his msn screen name which said "always keep moving... cuz if you're not moving, you're not going anywhere." So I feel as if things are moving nicely along.
I'm super tired. I shall leave a promise of posting more in the morning...
on an end note...
An Optimist believes we live in the best of all possible worlds...A Pessimist...fears that this is true...!
Sorry for the build up of a great post to the fall down of a half hearted barely there one.
P.S. I changed my template and Blog name... I still love "Don't Play With It". I might still come back to it in the future... who knows what could happen? I just wanted to change the blog tone again.. I'm still feeling out this template. Thus, Template may change again...
Shelli out.
-Sidonie Gabrielle Colette
She looks a little bit different now
Maybe a little bit softer round her eyes
Just a little bit different now
Maybe a little bit softer round her eyes
-"Softer" Jimmy Eat World
Today was a lovely day. Not too long ago, Shamz had a quote on his msn screen name which said "always keep moving... cuz if you're not moving, you're not going anywhere." So I feel as if things are moving nicely along.
I'm super tired. I shall leave a promise of posting more in the morning...
on an end note...
An Optimist believes we live in the best of all possible worlds...A Pessimist...fears that this is true...!
Sorry for the build up of a great post to the fall down of a half hearted barely there one.
P.S. I changed my template and Blog name... I still love "Don't Play With It". I might still come back to it in the future... who knows what could happen? I just wanted to change the blog tone again.. I'm still feeling out this template. Thus, Template may change again...
Shelli out.
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Convo with a friend...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
that it does
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
i just realized that very little takes permanence in my life today
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
except for my parents and family members that i keep close... everything else but goes through a revolving door of hello-goodbyes
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
but none that i regret and whilst the wave of nostalgia does settle... it is not so severe to hold me to run back into the past...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
does that make sense?
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
is there something wrong with me?
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
i believe you're asking the wrong person.....
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
it's a general opinion question
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
cause i am broken as well....
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
and my statements are open ended as well
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
a friend of mine was telling me that you could figure out what personality traits you want in a partner by looking at those friendships closest to you
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
but... all the friends I've had have all been incredibly unique and individual
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
and all of them... leave eventually or left... and the novelty of the friendship faded.. but the memory of it hasn't
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
do you understand? does it make sense?
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
i understand...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
therefore.. the question is.. are we truly inherently broken... or are we so perfectly independent that it's those that surround us we fix and send back into this world?
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
i think...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
i am not certain...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
but you agree in the value of the question?
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
i often conceded that perhaps i'm supposed to go through life solitary to some extent... i work best alone
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
in every sense of the word.. therefore i'm a lone soldier... therefore i am weird...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
for man is supposed to be a social being...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
you think i'm odd?
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
i think it .. odd i was pondering the last two statements you made troughout the week....
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
are you serious? wow...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
we are ment to be social creatures indeed...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
yet it seems we are such a contradiction to that norm...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
even though we crave the need for a social bond... we somehow can not attain it... or...we can not keep it...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
yes.. yess...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
that's it
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
it's hard to think you are like me...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
but is it that we cannot attain it.. or we just haven't those we're meant to keep...?
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
it's hard to think you are like me too...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
my lit teacher at college oft said that not to worry... when the people meant to stay in your life come .. they will stay... all the others will fade
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
it sounds about right....
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
but often we don't see the ones who are meant to stay...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
often we cast our eyes elsewhere....
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
looking for something else...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
but we should trust that on the most primal level our instincts shall recognize the importance of the individual.. and feel compelled to keep them in our lives
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
for it has kicked in.. with the wrong people.. so why not the right one?
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
then..according to your words.. the trick is to accept what we have regardless of the feeling that there's suppsoed to me much...much.. much... more
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
one can do that i suppose...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
i am not certain of what should realy be done though....
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
for i am stuck on the same road as you...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
may be at a differnet junction though..
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
i hate this road.. its lonely and you have to be brave
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
when everyone else has a crutch in their hands to rely on.. someone to fall back and blame
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
we are but stuck with ourselves and the decisions we make...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
but.. in it's own weird right... doesn't that make us stronger?
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
i believe on some level it has made me stronger....
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
even... a little more insane....
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
definitely a little more insane....
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
but nuntheless... stronger
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
with strength comes its own special insanity
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
well said my dear...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
well said...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
i suppose that fellow you were looking upon did not return thy stare...?
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
this is not about romantic notions but mere generalizations... because my friend's words about ideal partners made me realize that the people that have travelled alongside me share little similarities
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
and despite... the somewhat..sometimes...catastrophic endings.. there are some sweet memories there
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
but not sweet enough for me to repeat it
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
i see...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
and if that's the case.. and it is upon what our future relationships are based..
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
then.. what is our destiny?
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
so.. what is our destiny?
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
we all have the same ending....
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
which i can say with certainty....
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
the ending we push to the back of our minds...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
and what comes before that...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
i am not sure....
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
therefore.. the alternate destiny we seem to think is predetemined prior to death is but mere distraction?
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
a mere distraction...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
like mostly everthing else...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
or rather...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
something to help us past the time...?
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
until we get to that final destination..
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
existentialist thoughts
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
She wants it... says:
the end of dat last note on dpwi is kinda glum tho... acceptance as death as our final destination... everything prior a distraction
She wants it... says:
in at the glass as half empty
She wants it... says:
death should be the only thing stopping us from living a very fruitful life... we go through the day and ignore the 98 good things that happened to us, but we're sure to remember the 2 bad things the happened and tend to dwell on that
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
She wants it... says:
if we learn to appreciate the good things in our life and try not to dwell on the negative, our lives would be more rewarding
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
that it does
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
i just realized that very little takes permanence in my life today
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
except for my parents and family members that i keep close... everything else but goes through a revolving door of hello-goodbyes
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
but none that i regret and whilst the wave of nostalgia does settle... it is not so severe to hold me to run back into the past...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
does that make sense?
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
is there something wrong with me?
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
i believe you're asking the wrong person.....
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
it's a general opinion question
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
cause i am broken as well....
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
and my statements are open ended as well
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
a friend of mine was telling me that you could figure out what personality traits you want in a partner by looking at those friendships closest to you
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
but... all the friends I've had have all been incredibly unique and individual
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
and all of them... leave eventually or left... and the novelty of the friendship faded.. but the memory of it hasn't
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
do you understand? does it make sense?
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
i understand...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
therefore.. the question is.. are we truly inherently broken... or are we so perfectly independent that it's those that surround us we fix and send back into this world?
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
i think...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
i am not certain...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
but you agree in the value of the question?
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
i often conceded that perhaps i'm supposed to go through life solitary to some extent... i work best alone
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
in every sense of the word.. therefore i'm a lone soldier... therefore i am weird...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
for man is supposed to be a social being...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
you think i'm odd?
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
i think it .. odd i was pondering the last two statements you made troughout the week....
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
are you serious? wow...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
we are ment to be social creatures indeed...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
yet it seems we are such a contradiction to that norm...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
even though we crave the need for a social bond... we somehow can not attain it... or...we can not keep it...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
yes.. yess...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
that's it
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
it's hard to think you are like me...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
but is it that we cannot attain it.. or we just haven't those we're meant to keep...?
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
it's hard to think you are like me too...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
my lit teacher at college oft said that not to worry... when the people meant to stay in your life come .. they will stay... all the others will fade
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
it sounds about right....
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
but often we don't see the ones who are meant to stay...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
often we cast our eyes elsewhere....
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
looking for something else...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
but we should trust that on the most primal level our instincts shall recognize the importance of the individual.. and feel compelled to keep them in our lives
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
for it has kicked in.. with the wrong people.. so why not the right one?
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
then..according to your words.. the trick is to accept what we have regardless of the feeling that there's suppsoed to me much...much.. much... more
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
one can do that i suppose...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
i am not certain of what should realy be done though....
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
for i am stuck on the same road as you...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
may be at a differnet junction though..
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
i hate this road.. its lonely and you have to be brave
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
when everyone else has a crutch in their hands to rely on.. someone to fall back and blame
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
we are but stuck with ourselves and the decisions we make...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
but.. in it's own weird right... doesn't that make us stronger?
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
i believe on some level it has made me stronger....
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
even... a little more insane....
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
definitely a little more insane....
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
but nuntheless... stronger
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
with strength comes its own special insanity
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
well said my dear...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
well said...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
i suppose that fellow you were looking upon did not return thy stare...?
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
this is not about romantic notions but mere generalizations... because my friend's words about ideal partners made me realize that the people that have travelled alongside me share little similarities
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
and despite... the somewhat..sometimes...catastrophic endings.. there are some sweet memories there
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
but not sweet enough for me to repeat it
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
i see...
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
and if that's the case.. and it is upon what our future relationships are based..
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
then.. what is our destiny?
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
so.. what is our destiny?
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
we all have the same ending....
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
which i can say with certainty....
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
the ending we push to the back of our minds...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
and what comes before that...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
i am not sure....
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
therefore.. the alternate destiny we seem to think is predetemined prior to death is but mere distraction?
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
a mere distraction...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
like mostly everthing else...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
or rather...
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
something to help us past the time...?
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
until we get to that final destination..
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
existentialist thoughts
All Things with Form Eventualy.. Perish.... says:
She wants it... says:
the end of dat last note on dpwi is kinda glum tho... acceptance as death as our final destination... everything prior a distraction
She wants it... says:
in at the glass as half empty
She wants it... says:
death should be the only thing stopping us from living a very fruitful life... we go through the day and ignore the 98 good things that happened to us, but we're sure to remember the 2 bad things the happened and tend to dwell on that
shelli... teardrop on the fire says:
She wants it... says:
if we learn to appreciate the good things in our life and try not to dwell on the negative, our lives would be more rewarding
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Huh...? naw...Foolishness...Actually, I stopped believing in you days ago.
By Shelli 7:59 PM Daily lifeHowever, not everyone makes mistakes and learns from them. Some of us keep repeating the same mistake over and over, some of us vary the technicalities of the mistake and live in denial, some of us become so accustomed to the mistake that we accept it as a way of life... and essentially go through life in a "spinning top in mud" way. If you don't learn from your mistakes, is it fair to say that you are wise, or have gain wisdom over the years...?
Also, with the changes in society and the young people being in such a rush to grow up, it seems some experiences aren't solely experienced in adult life... and while one could argue about the maturity aptitude of the students, some of them are forced to become mature very young...
I hope that made sense.
School has started back. My lord... I'm sooo tired. The doctor wasn't kidding when she said the first couple weeks would drain me because of how sick I was.
When I came home yesterday, I was on the brink of collapse. I went into my extra reserves of energy to run around school plus I think I was dehydrated. My throat was burning when I came up from my afternoon classes. As soon as I got home, I just dropped everything, changed clothes and went straight to bed - knocked out.
Same thing happened today. Halfway through watching soaps I just abandoned that mission and went straight to bed... Hell... I would eat dinner and go straight back to sleep now, but I have some class planning to do for tomorrow.
Ugh... I'm not sure if this is going to work. This miscommunication over the airwaves that seem to ricochet in every direction but clarity. I'm not sure if tolerance on my part could last much longer either... I'm just not sure anymore. Tired of hearing, "I'm a do right".
Wasting words on lower places and capitals.
Pardon my tone...
If you want a do right, all day, woman
Then you've got to be a do right, all day, man
-Aretha Franklin "Do right woman, Do right man"
Shelli is tired.
Shelli is frustrated by the days events.
Shelli is out.
Goodnight world.
Then you've got to be a do right, all day, man
-Aretha Franklin "Do right woman, Do right man"
Shelli is tired.
Shelli is frustrated by the days events.
Shelli is out.
Goodnight world.
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Give me a reason...
By Shelli 11:30 PM darling friends, Lyrics, Music, Silly boys, VideoI spent most of the day starting and stopping this post. My mood changed tremendously...
Now I guess I'm just humbled and shocked... "seasons change, but people don't" makes sense now...well valid sense... Does anyone really change? Suppressing who you are... or who you "were" just affects things for now... things must arise sometime...
I desperately hope I'm wrong... and that there's some fraction of error that could reverse events... like Bon Jovi's "say it isn't so... tell me it's not true..."..
Shads is out of the hospital. They still don't know what was wrong with her... but she's fine now...
I have nothing much more to say...
But I discovered a song from a couple years back, with an old feel to it... "Give me a reason" (also called "Glory Box") by a British band named Portishead.
The lyrics are pretty decent too...
"Give me a reason"
I'm so tired of playing,
Playing with this bow and arrow,
Gonna give my heart away,
Leave it to the other girls to play,
For I've been a temptress too long.
Hmm just,
Give me a reason to love you,
Give me a reason to be,
A woman,
I just wanna be a woman.
From this time, unchained,
We’re all looking at a different picture,
Through this new frame of mind,
A thousand flowers could bloom,
Move over, and give us some room.
Give me a reason to love you,
Give me a reason to be,
A woman,
I just want to be a woman.
So don't you stop, being a man,
Just take a little look from our side when you can,
Sow a little tenderness,
No matter if you cry.
Give me a reason to love you,
Give me a reason to be,
A woman,
It's all I wanna be is all woman.
For this is the beginning of forever and ever,
It's time to move over ,
So I want to be.
I'm so tired of playing,
Playing with this bow and arrow,
Gonna give my heart away,
Leave it to the other girls to play.
For I've been a temptress too long.
Hmm just,
Give me a reason to love you.
I'm so tired of playing,
Playing with this bow and arrow,
Gonna give my heart away,
Leave it to the other girls to play,
For I've been a temptress too long.
Hmm just,
Give me a reason to love you,
Give me a reason to be,
A woman,
I just wanna be a woman.
From this time, unchained,
We’re all looking at a different picture,
Through this new frame of mind,
A thousand flowers could bloom,
Move over, and give us some room.
Give me a reason to love you,
Give me a reason to be,
A woman,
I just want to be a woman.
So don't you stop, being a man,
Just take a little look from our side when you can,
Sow a little tenderness,
No matter if you cry.
Give me a reason to love you,
Give me a reason to be,
A woman,
It's all I wanna be is all woman.
For this is the beginning of forever and ever,
It's time to move over ,
So I want to be.
I'm so tired of playing,
Playing with this bow and arrow,
Gonna give my heart away,
Leave it to the other girls to play.
For I've been a temptress too long.
Hmm just,
Give me a reason to love you.
I'm out.
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Power of a dream *wink*
By Shelli 10:44 PM Happy Musings, Music, Music discussionBut just think of the possibilities... TWO club anthems... think of the hotness...
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1-2-3 posts... well this makes 124
By Shelli 9:33 PM Daily life
Signal Fire.
Clouds in my coffee. Come stir my cup.
"All thats important now, is that whatever you decide to do... You don't use it as an excuse."
Clouds in my coffee. Come stir my cup.
"All thats important now, is that whatever you decide to do... You don't use it as an excuse."
Forgiveness... just let it go.
An ounce of truth exists in all thats been said, always. Sometimes we just don't see the ounce at once - but it's there.
Long.. long... long day. I'm super tired. Work was eventless and yet tiresome. For now, I shall be thankful... my free periods shall soon be but a distant memory when the new timetable is finished... and my tiredness shall be for legit reasons of having actual work to do rather than lack thereof... Bleh...
Dropped by dad's office. Saw Nevon and got to chat about music for a bit. Went to visit Shads at the hospital. I reckon she'll be fine, but they're not entirely sure whats wrong... But I believe she'll be ok. My lil' sis... of course she will...
I'm soo tired... Must... go... now...
I'm losing coherency..
Shelli out.
*falls asleep at keyboard*
P.S. I finally got the time setting right for my posts... so the times are finally right - sort of. It's according to what time I started the post, rather than what time it was published... oh well.
P.S.S. I don't want to wait... forever
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Gimme gimme more...
By Shelli 11:10 PM books/moviesBritney is back!!! I must say the opening line, quoted above, of her first single kind of throws you off. However it seems like swear words are the cool "in thing" now, everybody is doing it. Avril is the "mother****ing princess" and Linkin Park is wondering "what the **** is wrong with me?" so whats wrong with a little "b*tch" from Britney.
*shrug* see what's wrong with society and the media... They're numbing me to the effects of swearing. After my initial shock wore off from Linkin Park's new album 'Minutes to Midnight' and all the unnecessary swearing involved compiled with Avril's new "edgy" lyrical style parallel to LP, by the time Britney released this single, words have become something short of blasé for me.
It's just words right?
So back to Brit Brit.
I think this new track 'Gimme gimme more' is the HOTTEST thing ever. I believe it truly has the potential to become a club anthem... well I'm not sure if here in Grenada... BUT I would hope so. It's got a nice strong beat, catchy lyrics... I mean... c'mon... gimme gimme more gimme more... *wink*
AND for Britney there's some double innuendo depth to the song. One can interpret the lyrics two ways (or more... but I don't think it's THAT deep :P)... firstly, a response to the unwanted press that's all involved in her life... and secondly an overtly sexual song about wilding out on the dance floor. That's a whole new level for Brit.
(If that sounds sarcastic.. it really isn't meant to be... I really do love the song...)
And then the second single "Cold as fire" is a bit of an acquired taste. My first reaction was... "what the hell is that annoying chirping sound? Is it my computer speakers? Is it some bird fight outside?"... My second reaction was "What's up with her voice...?! She sounds like a little kid... *blink blink*".... BUT after constant self-inflicted bombing on my eardrums, compliments youtube.com and the two-in-one videos, I finally warmed up to it.
It's catchy. It's fun. It's Britney.
Go Britney! Go Britney! It's your comeback!
You're bringing sexy back. *wink*... Uhh... bad analogy... has she and Justin made up yet?
We keep it rockin.....
I have work... in the morning...
So... Lemme lemme roll
Into my... my.. bed
Gimme gimme more.
Shelli out.
P.S. Is it just me... or is Post Secret skimping on the secrets recently? I scrolled through in like 5 minutes or less... what's up with that? I swear it feels like Frank is cheating - Last week he posted two secrets twice. He did it again this week. *mutter grumble mutter* I feel so cheated.
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Behold my pillow. The three flowers on it were painted by moi. For once when I saw I shall post a photo I have done so... I nearly changed my mind and decide to post the photo later tomorrow...
Anyways... Tropical Depression Felix or what ever the hell it is now and my cough aren't the best of friends at the moment. My cough is trying to kill me... and I don't know what to do about it... so I'm off for now. Perhaps I might find myself before this screen again during the night out of sheer desperation for entertainment and inability to fall asleep...
We don't fight fair...
Shelli out.
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You ever find yourself very hungry in the middle of the night... and you go to your fridge and open the door, the fridge light being the only light on in the darkness... so you bask in it... then it dawns on you that you really don't see anything you want to eat... and you get lost in that nothingness as your thoughts start to transgress to other things... until you catch yourself when you start to feel a little chilly and realize you're still standing in front of the open fridge.. hungry?
I am the extreme of all emotions today. I'm extremely happy. Extremely restless. Extremely creative... and I don't know how to make them all work with each other.
In my extreme idleness and confliction of emotions... I decided...
to paint....
.... on my pillow.
Now one could say that's sad.. or one could say that's genius. I prefer to go with the latter.
A few days (or perhaps weeks..I really can't remember) ago my mom made a new throw pillow for my bed and in the center are the words "Sweet Dreams". So... I traced three flowers onto the pillow in the center above the words and painted them. Total time process, probably about 20-30 minutes. It looks lovely. I shall post pictures of it tomorrow.
NOW, I still have lots of pent up creative energy that's making me restless... I'm so restless however I'm frustrated and I can't think up any freestyle imaginative ideas... and I can't find anything worthy to pastel sketch in the sketchbook Liz bought me for my birthday.
Ugh... It's going to be a long night.
I want to draw. I want to draw. I want to draw.
As for disappointments - the trick is to let your expectations be moderate. Moderate expectations don't leave room for too much disappointment.
I'm off for now.. going to indulge in some "let's argue about my screen name" chat conversations. It's become apparent that some people have taken the stance against my screen name "seasons change but people don't" and I am forced to defend it. I love a good argument.
In all honesty, I only put it as a quote from Fall Out Boy's song "The Take Over, The Break's Over" because it sounded nice...
Now I'm defending it. Heh... Or maybe not... I'm feeling tired... I'll post my argument tomorrow... I hope.
Shelli out.
P.S. I still have the stupid cough.
I am the extreme of all emotions today. I'm extremely happy. Extremely restless. Extremely creative... and I don't know how to make them all work with each other.
In my extreme idleness and confliction of emotions... I decided...
to paint....
.... on my pillow.
Now one could say that's sad.. or one could say that's genius. I prefer to go with the latter.
A few days (or perhaps weeks..I really can't remember) ago my mom made a new throw pillow for my bed and in the center are the words "Sweet Dreams". So... I traced three flowers onto the pillow in the center above the words and painted them. Total time process, probably about 20-30 minutes. It looks lovely. I shall post pictures of it tomorrow.
NOW, I still have lots of pent up creative energy that's making me restless... I'm so restless however I'm frustrated and I can't think up any freestyle imaginative ideas... and I can't find anything worthy to pastel sketch in the sketchbook Liz bought me for my birthday.
Ugh... It's going to be a long night.
I want to draw. I want to draw. I want to draw.
As for disappointments - the trick is to let your expectations be moderate. Moderate expectations don't leave room for too much disappointment.
I'm off for now.. going to indulge in some "let's argue about my screen name" chat conversations. It's become apparent that some people have taken the stance against my screen name "seasons change but people don't" and I am forced to defend it. I love a good argument.
In all honesty, I only put it as a quote from Fall Out Boy's song "The Take Over, The Break's Over" because it sounded nice...
Now I'm defending it. Heh... Or maybe not... I'm feeling tired... I'll post my argument tomorrow... I hope.
Shelli out.
P.S. I still have the stupid cough.
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Smile like the sunrise.
By Shelli 12:44 AM darling friends, Happy Musings, sick, Silly boysIt feels good, to be right, in every way that matters. It feels good to have answers to questions that once remained unanswered. It feels good to not let pride stand in the way of what matters...
boo boop be bo boo....
Feels good to be...
Ugh.. my cough returns.
I'm going to bed.
Shelli out.
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Bump.. bump.. bump...
By Shelli 7:32 PM books/movies***
Anyways... Let the sick stop her rambling till she gets back her coherence.
The following are two excerpts from the most delightful book I read during the cruise into my illness. So I took my time about it... so what? Sometimes well punctuated (reading) is the way to go and fully appreciate the content.
Well.. here goes. It's two of my favourite parts in the novel.
Every family is eccentric in its own way, however, as is each human being. Like the Tocks, they have their tics.
Eccentric means off or aside in its own way, or aside from what is considered normal. As a civilisation, through consensus, we agree on what is normal, but this consensus is as wide as a river, not as narrow as the high wire above a big top.
Even so, not one of us lives a perfectly normal, ordinary life in every regard. We are, after all, human beings, each of us unique to an extent that no member of any other species is different from others of its kind.
We have instinct but we are not ruled by it. We feel the pull of the mindless herd, the allure of the pack, but we resist the extreme effects of this influence -- and when we do not, we drag our societies down into the bloody wreckage of failed utopias, led by Hitler or Lenin, or Mao Tse-tung. And the wreckage reminds us that God gave us our individualism and that to surrender it is to follow a dark path.
When we fail to see the eccentricities in ourselves and to be amused by them, we become monsters of self-regard. Each in its own way, every family is as eccentric as mine. I guarantee it. Opening your eyes to this truth is to open your heart to humanity.
Read Dickens; he knew.
Those in my family don't wish to be anyone but who they are. They will not edit themselves to impress others.
They find their meaning in their quiet faith, in one another, and in the little miracles of their daily lives. They don't need ideologies or philosophies to define themselves. They are defined by living, with all senses engaged, with hope, and with a laugh ever ready.
pp. 200-201
...We had suffered a great deal en route to this safe harbor, but who does not suffer in life? When the pain passes, there is always cake.
Life insurance companies price their policies on the basis of many factors, including actuarial tables. They have arcane formulae to predict your life expectancy, and if they didn't they would soon be out of business.
I do not define life expectancy by the length of life, however, but by the quality of it, by what I expect from it and by how well my expectations are met. What I have learned from my true father, Rudy, and from my true mother, Maddy, and from my glorious wife, and from my beloved children is that the more you expect from life, the more your expectations will be fulfilled. By laughing, you do not use up your laughter, but increase your store of it. The more you love, the more you will be loved. The more you give, the more you will receive.
p. 472
Shelli is feeling sick again.
Tuesday has been infected. She has classes on Monday... Eekies... So... one more person to catch the virus.. who knows.. maybe he really won't. He's lucky.
*goes to rest*
*does melodramatic hand to forehead faint*
Shelli out.
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Random thoughts
By Shelli 5:35 PM books/moviesI can't remember which one of my Literature teachers took the stance of ANY excuse not being anything but an excuse, thus worthless - but it stuck with me. Actually, I think both of them, such wonderful teachers, applied the rule. That a good excuse was just that, and changed little...
A month back or so I was walking through the mall with a friend of mine, Shawn, and the topic came up. An excuse really means nothing. To me, an excuse is an attempt at emotional extortion... an attempt to initiate or trigger guilt or sympathy so as to look beyond the fact that what needed to be done, or not be done, was in actuality a failed venture and justify or remove blame from oneself. An excuse means nothing... nothing at all. It doesn't undo the damage. It doesn't solve the world's problems. It doesn't make the deadlines...
Oh bleh... could be the fever talking again...
A ridiculous excuse example (excerpt)
I was on my way
To be with you today
well you know it's true
Because I wouldn't lie to you
First my car broke down
So then I had to hitch a ride
I was almost there
When the motor died
I was in a plane
And it was falling from the sky
I knew I had to survive
So I could say goodbye
You change your mind
Like I change the time
That I was gonna call you
Or say I was about to....
I said that I would be there
But then I didn't have a thing to wear
-MXPX 'My life story'
A weak attempt at an emotional excuse
3rd party included excuse example (excerpt)
I heard about your regrets. I heard that you were feeling sorry.
I heard from someone that you wish you could set things right between us.
Well I guess i should have heard of that from you.
I guess i should have heard of that from you.
I'm waiting for blood to flow to my fingers. I'll be alright when my hands get warm.
Ignoring the phone, I'd rather say nothing. I'd rather you never heard my voice.
You're calling too late, too late to be gracious, and
you do not warrant long good byes. You're calling too late.
-Dashboard Confessional 'The best deceptions'
I heard from someone that you wish you could set things right between us.
Well I guess i should have heard of that from you.
I guess i should have heard of that from you.
I'm waiting for blood to flow to my fingers. I'll be alright when my hands get warm.
Ignoring the phone, I'd rather say nothing. I'd rather you never heard my voice.
You're calling too late, too late to be gracious, and
you do not warrant long good byes. You're calling too late.
-Dashboard Confessional 'The best deceptions'
I'm off for now. No photos posted tonight (I think)... My sore throat is going and I'm developing a cough in its place. Or coughing fits.
I'm not sure how relevant my examples are... but I'm feeling sick/weak again...
A couple of friends stopped by to check up on me today. I feel spoilt and loved. Thank you very very much for the visit(Brendon and Shawn)... cheered me up a lot. Oh... the streams of phone calls from Tues and Marcus...yummy. Heh heh heh... they're catching the virus... Tuesday has it and Marcus is in denial.
*hums to self* It's only a matter of time...
NOT that I wish illness upon him or anything... erm.. I'm going now... Before I put my foot in my mouth.
Had some soup. Now I'm ready for ice cream....!!! YAY!
Shelli out.
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I went to the Doc Wednesday(gone) I believe. I have acute pharyngitis. Oh how I love saying that and watching people react. They go "*ahem* In English please?"
Essentially, it's a reaaaaaaalllllyyy bad sore throat that involves lots of throwing up, fever, headaches and, obviously, painful swallowing due to swollen tonsils and such.
I have a horrible time sleeping. It's truly a miserable experience. Well, last night was the best night's rest I've had in 5 days - I slept for about 2-3 hours straight. Afterwards I was up from around 4 with no hopes of falling asleep again.
I'm craving potato chips. All these sweet things I have in my house... Mmmm.. potato chips... that salty goodness. Or anything salty... oooh... salt... yummy... salt...
I feel deliriously happy. Too weak to dance and prance around too much... and my voice is hoarse and congested BUT that's not stopping me from singing...!
I love that song. Cuz... it's easy as lovers go. This is wonderful as loving goes... I've gotta be honest...
I want potato chips.
I'm off for now. I shall post some more Alaska photos later today.
To the window...
To the wall...
Shelli out.
I went to the Doc Wednesday(gone) I believe. I have acute pharyngitis. Oh how I love saying that and watching people react. They go "*ahem* In English please?"
Essentially, it's a reaaaaaaalllllyyy bad sore throat that involves lots of throwing up, fever, headaches and, obviously, painful swallowing due to swollen tonsils and such.
I have a horrible time sleeping. It's truly a miserable experience. Well, last night was the best night's rest I've had in 5 days - I slept for about 2-3 hours straight. Afterwards I was up from around 4 with no hopes of falling asleep again.
I'm craving potato chips. All these sweet things I have in my house... Mmmm.. potato chips... that salty goodness. Or anything salty... oooh... salt... yummy... salt...
She said "I've gotta be honest
You're wasting your time if you're fishing around here."
And I said, "You must be mistaken
Cause I'm not foolin. This feeling is real."
And she said, She said "You've gotta be crazy
What do you take me for? Some kind of easy mark?"
You've got wits, you've got looks, you've got passion.
But I swear that you've got me all wrong
All wrong, all wrong. and you've got me."
And I said "I've gotta be honest
I've been waiting for you all my life
For so long I thought I wasn't gonna settle down
But just seeing you makes me think twice
And being with you here makes me sane
I fear I'll go crazy if you leave my side
You've got wits, you've got looks, you've got passion.
But are you brave enough to leave with me tonight?
Tonight, tonight, you've got me
I'll be true, I'll be useful, I'll be cavalier
I'll be yours, my dear. and I'll belong to you
If you just let me through
This is easy as lovers go
So don't complicate it by hesitating
And this is wonderful as loving goes
This is telling me what's the sense in waiting?
-Dashboard Confessional "As lovers go"
You're wasting your time if you're fishing around here."
And I said, "You must be mistaken
Cause I'm not foolin. This feeling is real."
And she said, She said "You've gotta be crazy
What do you take me for? Some kind of easy mark?"
You've got wits, you've got looks, you've got passion.
But I swear that you've got me all wrong
All wrong, all wrong. and you've got me."
And I said "I've gotta be honest
I've been waiting for you all my life
For so long I thought I wasn't gonna settle down
But just seeing you makes me think twice
And being with you here makes me sane
I fear I'll go crazy if you leave my side
You've got wits, you've got looks, you've got passion.
But are you brave enough to leave with me tonight?
Tonight, tonight, you've got me
I'll be true, I'll be useful, I'll be cavalier
I'll be yours, my dear. and I'll belong to you
If you just let me through
This is easy as lovers go
So don't complicate it by hesitating
And this is wonderful as loving goes
This is telling me what's the sense in waiting?
-Dashboard Confessional "As lovers go"
I feel deliriously happy. Too weak to dance and prance around too much... and my voice is hoarse and congested BUT that's not stopping me from singing...!
I love that song. Cuz... it's easy as lovers go. This is wonderful as loving goes... I've gotta be honest...
I want potato chips.
I'm off for now. I shall post some more Alaska photos later today.
To the window...
To the wall...
Shelli out.
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Just a quick pop in...
I'm sick. I'm tired. I ache.
I'm going to bed.
I'm sick. I'm tired. I ache.
I'm going to bed.
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By Shelli 10:26 AM Discovery: Places and People, Travels
Ketchikan, Alaska

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*Big stretch*
So its been a while since I've been here. My oh my, DPWI, you were dearly missed.
My absence was due to a series of current life events that had to be dealt with. I believe its safe to say that while I regret not posting during that time, the time was well spent idly and helped bring me back inadvertently onto the path once more of the destination I would most like to be. How is that for irony...? In retrospect, I guess the nothingness is what I needed. I needed to create a void and step into it, so as to "find" myself in some sort of bizarre self-inflicted situation-cum-bravery. The value of light is only truly appreciated when you find yourself in the absence thereof.
I hope that makes sense... But that's how best to explain these past couple months. That and a roller coaster of experiences.
OH, and there were several failed attempts to make posts but I had lost my voice here. Thank God it was only a temporary hindrance.
I went to Alaska on a cruise somewhere around the 21st of last month.
It was a delightful experience. I had the pleasure of watching large chunks of ice and icebergs float on by (relatively close the the boat) in a narrow channel in the middle of summer. I was also able to stand at the front of the ship on the top deck and be so incredibly cold that the 3 layers of jackets only just start to make me feel warm but the wind quickly undid such small comforts when it came to my exposed cheeks and fingers. I constantly had to plunge my hands into my pockets in between photo shots because they were becoming so cold that the tips were numb of feeling. My cheeks had to learn to deal with the cold, the wind had several fights with my hoodie and it's needless to say who lost the battle. I was also privileged to read a novel until I fell asleep on the lower decks on lounge chairs huddled under a blanket.
AND I LOVED every minute of it. I loved walking up and down through out the ship, just randomly exploring. I loved talking to all the different people there. I was shocked to discover how many teachers from other places were there. I loved the FOOD. I ate, and ate, and ate..!!! until it became absurd, especially for someone of my petite size. I loved all the stops. It was enchanting to be in a place so green and soooo clean and able to maintain a frozen-in-time appearance. Skagway, the mining town, looks the same way it did back when it came into existence. There are wooden sidewalks. The buildings have remained the same... There's only ONE street in the town. Then throughout all the stops there were the floating log houses.
*sigh* Alaska... I'm totally doing that again one more time before I die...
Below are some photos from my trip... I shall post all eventually...
Starting with the first stop: Ketchikan, Alaska
"Salmon Capital of the World"
Also, has the world's largest collection of standing totem poles.
"Salmon Capital of the World"
Also, has the world's largest collection of standing totem poles.

That's all the pics I'm posting for tonight. I'm too tired to post anymore... Tomorrow I shall post some nature pics I took on the tour at Salmon Falls. I recommend going to Salmon Falls... they make awesome cookies...!!! And the coffee is delicious.....!! The tour is wonderful as well... The tour guides, ours was Tom I believe, are friendly and entertaining - even if you see no wildlife, it shall be totally worth the time as you get the chance to see the untouched terrain up close and the sporadic placement of random houses by wealthy folks and small settlements...
*wistful sigh* I miss Alaska...
Sleep well....
Ciao for now.
Shelli out.
That's all the pics I'm posting for tonight. I'm too tired to post anymore... Tomorrow I shall post some nature pics I took on the tour at Salmon Falls. I recommend going to Salmon Falls... they make awesome cookies...!!! And the coffee is delicious.....!! The tour is wonderful as well... The tour guides, ours was Tom I believe, are friendly and entertaining - even if you see no wildlife, it shall be totally worth the time as you get the chance to see the untouched terrain up close and the sporadic placement of random houses by wealthy folks and small settlements...
*wistful sigh* I miss Alaska...
And from the ball room floor
We are in celebration
One good stretch before our hibernation
Our dreams assured and we all
Will sleep well...
Sleep Well...
-'Stolen' Dashboard Confessional
***One good stretch before our hibernation
Our dreams assured and we all
Will sleep well...
Sleep Well...
-'Stolen' Dashboard Confessional
Sleep well....
Ciao for now.
Shelli out.
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busy busy busy...!
By Shelli 8:28 AMYou Might Also Like
Well I clean this slate
with the hands of uncertainty
Let mercy come
And wash away....
What I've done
I'll face myself
To cross out what I've become
Erase myself
And let go of what I've done.
-Linkin Park
Let mercy come
And wash away....
What I've done
I'll face myself
To cross out what I've become
Erase myself
And let go of what I've done.
-Linkin Park
Almost a week has passed since my last post...! What is the meaning of all this...?
I've spent the past week finishing up Law exams (thank God it's over...!), working hard, being sick and touring like a tourist.
The Law exam was decent - to say the least. Paper 2 was definitely a bit more challenging than Paper 1. I can't quite say whether I'm feeling particularly optimistic about the results, but there's always prayer - right?
At the beginning of the End of Term exams, I thought of it as a working holiday. I called it this because while you had to still go to school to invigilate exams, no actual teaching would be involved. My how was I wrong... I walk at least 4 times than I usually do in the exam room. I feel sleepy from the nothingness of just sitting there waiting for a hand to extend into the air with a question. Then when the hand is extended, and I approach the student 4 out 5 times it's with an invalid question... for example, on a multiple choice question that states clearly in the instructions to 'write the number and the letter of your answer choice', the student will go "Miss, do we have to write just the letter and the number?"
And these papers have my head spinning... I'm procrastinating...
On a high note, Zel and I went to Fort Frederick and Fort Matthew this week for the first time. It was beautiful... It's like being queen of the hill.
I'm feeling very sleepy. I shall post something proper very soon. At the bottom are two lazy shots I took with my cellie (cellphone). Next time I visit, I'm going to go fully prepared with my digital camera to get some decent shots.
all about what I can see, and what I am to
look for from the Fort...
Just click on the photo to make it bigger.
On top of Fort Frederick
Shelli out for now.
*falls asleep*
Shelli out for now.
*falls asleep*
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Don't trust them... trust me
Why must this become so complex? It's like a pendulum, swinging left, swinging right... without stop.
Shelli out.
Why must this become so complex? It's like a pendulum, swinging left, swinging right... without stop.
Shelli out.
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Oh YEA....!!!
By Shelli 4:09 PM books/movies
Go women...!
If you stick your USB into my port
We might get a micro
Because you want to caress my tender torso
I'm sweet like a mango
But we cannot tango,
Because you see i have a code of conduct
Which I refuse to let you destruct
And deduct from the energy I need...
....so i sit and wait patiently
Like i'm stuck in the train station
Until the day i walk down the isle in my pretty white dress
I won't let sex be detrimental to my success...!
-George Watsky on 'virginity'
-"To every man who ever called himself a feminist"
Girl I know you can lean with it, rock with it
What did the five fingers say to the face?
La mujer.... by Bruja
- Roxy Azari "Seen not heard"
-Ursula Rucker "What a woman must do"
If you stick your USB into my port
We might get a micro
Because you want to caress my tender torso
I'm sweet like a mango
But we cannot tango,
Because you see i have a code of conduct
Which I refuse to let you destruct
And deduct from the energy I need...
....so i sit and wait patiently
Like i'm stuck in the train station
Until the day i walk down the isle in my pretty white dress
I won't let sex be detrimental to my success...!
-George Watsky on 'virginity'
-"To every man who ever called himself a feminist"
Girl I know you can lean with it, rock with it
What did the five fingers say to the face?
La mujer.... by Bruja
- Roxy Azari "Seen not heard"
-Ursula Rucker "What a woman must do"
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Oh me... oh my...
By Shelli 10:40 PM Daily lifeNo repetitions of events gone please. Bury yourself amongst the corpses of all past mistakes... Release the mind so that clarity can clear the clouds of confusion before the eyes... so that sight is permitted.
Exam was decent. I'm not going to swear on an A. However the exam was much simpler and easier than last year... Paper 1 that is... one exam down... one more to go...
That's all my updates...
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Couldn't Stay Away...
By Shelli 5:16 PM Blog addiction, Happy Musings, law, sick, teaching, work
I used to say... the more tragic the better
-'Unsent' Alanis Morisette
-'Unsent' Alanis Morisette
like you didn't see this coming...
i just couldn't stay away...
I came home early. Fullstop arrived. I left school around 11 am, went to town to pay some bills and then found my way home - and into my bed.
Of course it didn't happen so fluidly. I've lost my house keys, which has proven to be something short of a handicap. I had to borrow dad's keys day before yesterday. I went looking to cut a key yesterday and apparently no where cuts keys like ours. Today I had to beg mom to drop her key home for me to borrow... So I'm left with one decision - go find my key.
*dreds the mere idea of looking for the key*
I finished typing up my exams... I just have to print it properly (my ink finished) and cut & paste my sketches in for my kids. I'm going to do up some templates and some reminders for them as well... hmm...
I drank some orange juice today. Yummy. I love me some orange juice. *rubs tummy*
I slept from about 1-4 pm today. *big grin*
So... I'm running out of things to talk about... think I'm going to go rest a bit more and mark out the Form 1 papers when I get up... and study...
Much Love....
Shelli Out.
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Good song Wednesday
By Shelli 5:00 PM Lyrics, Music, VideoMusic Video
'Unsent' Alanis Morissette
*live version here
*Movie version that acts the whole song
out perfectly... click here
Dear Matthew
I like you a lot
I realize you're in a relationship with someone right now and I
respect that
I would like you to know that if you're ever single in the future
and want to come visit me in California I would be open to spending
time with you
and finding out how old you were when you wrote your first song
Dear Jonathan
I liked you too much
I used to be attracted to boys who would lie to me and think solely
about themselves
and you were plenty self-destructive for my taste at the time
I used to say the more tragic the better the truth is whenever I think
of the early 90's
you face comes up with a vengeance like it was yesterday
Dear Terrance
I love you muchly
you've been nothing but open hearted and emotionally available and
nurturing and consummately there for me I kept drawing you in and
pushing you
I remember how beautiful it was to fall asleep on your couch and cry
in front
of you for the first time
you were the best platform from which to jump beyond myself what was
wrong with
Dear Marcus
You rocked my world
you had a charismatic way about you with the women and
you got me seriously thinking about spirituality and you wouldn't let
me get
away with kicking me own ass
but I would never really feel relaxed and looked out for around you
and that stopped us from going any further than we did
and it's kinda too bad because we could've had much more fun
Dear Lou
We learned so much
I realize we won't be able to talk for some time and I understand that
as I do
the long distance thing was the hardest and we did as well as we could
we were together during a very tumultuous time in our lives
I will always have your back and be curious about you about your
career your
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Can we take a ride...? Get out of this place... while we still have time...?
By Shelli 7:57 PM Daily life
*WARNING* Mini Rant below.
Ok... I'm not going to be posting much for the rest of this week into next week. Life has become incredibly hectic.
My desk at work is stacked nice and high with end of term English papers waiting to be marked. Then my bag has papers awaiting to be typed, printed and cut-and-pasted accordingly. My bed is covered ambitiously with notes, papers and law study guides for me to revise... If only I had the willpower to get up from my comfy spot in the middle of the night to go study. I'm just so sleepy... The exams are this Friday and next Tuesday.... Hmm....
WELLL.... I need to start typing up my papers... so....
*sniffles* I'm going to miss you so much... *sniff sniff* *tear tear*
*clutches laptop closely*
Ciao for now,
Much love.
Shelli out.
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Post Secret
By Shelli 1:38 PM Post Secret SundayIn the morning, some people have a nice hot cup of java to kick off their day. Some people open their French doors, step out onto their patio and inhale the fresh new day serenaded by the birds singing in the trees. Some people flail their arms wildly in an effort to stop the alarm and roll over for '...just 5 more minutes...'. Some people fall out of bed, shocked by the alarm ringing once more after the 5 minutes has reached...
NOW, people like myself, on a Sunday... wake up. Roll over to the opposite side of the bed and boot up their laptop, waiting patiently for everything to load properly. Then I proceed to type in this address in my nifty little Firefox browser - http://www.postsecret.com.
Every Sunday, the secrets are updated. There's nothing like tuning into an anonymous sphere and indulging oneself in vicarious living through words and pictures or realizing that - you're not the only one that think so. Some secrets shock. Some make you smile. Some make you sad. Some make you think. But they're all oh-so-yummy. I think I'm going to start posting 5 of my favourites here on Sunday... Some of the old ones and new ones...
Here are some secrets...
(not mine... from the site)

I just hope all my wandering won't lead me away from it,
before i discover what that something actually is.

Ok, that's all.
Shelli out again.
OH.. and this post makes 100 posts on DPWI. YAY me!
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Well waiting...
By Shelli 12:43 PM Daily lifeOver-analytic minds place safety nets. There is no bravery there. Optimistic and logical. Hopeful for the best yet aware of the possibility of imminent injury or death. Each cautious step towards the edge of the cliff has little to do with wanting to do it, and more about needing to do it. It becomes more like a personal self-dare, so that in the end, you trust yourself to stop you before you hit the ground.
Take a few steps back... Deep breath in... Chill... Be calm about this... Run forward... Launch self into the air screaming... and this is how it starts.
I was supposed to finish my birthday post.
Mere minutes after sticking my birthday cake, there was a rap on the door. It was late... outside was dark... i completely forgot Micks was coming over. Mum opened the door to reveal it was Micks. I chastised her for scaring me. We ate. Roxie came upstairs. 'Twas fun.
Micks and I spoke until like 1.30 am. This of course was punctuated about 3 times by my having to wake her up because she fell asleep. Then at 3 am she woke me up to go fan hunting. I bet it was funny, watching me pad around the house in a sleepy daze. After locating the fan, plugging it in became the new issue. Two pin plug into a three pin socket. After 5 minutes of futile attempts on my part, i handed over the responsibility to Micks and went straight back to sleep... around 3.30 am. Around that time I vaguely remember hearing a gleeful exclamation from her... something about discovering the technique to get it in or something. I can't remember entirely. I just know she was very pleased with herself, and the fan was working.
I had a fun birthday.
Law Studies
I was by Zel's office in Church Street last night. The original plan was to pull an all-nighter studying. Wait, correction, the original plan was to study intensely whole afternoon which transgressed to an all-nighter.
I think we covered a decent amount of studies. It could've been more... Does anybody know what exactly are these clogs in the right of redemption under Real Property? After discovering that the question repeated itself in different forms over the years, and we were none the wiser as to how to answer it, we started calling people. Steff didn't know. Benji fell asleep. Lulu didn't have a clue. Richie said it was somewhere far, far away in his mind. I guess this means today I'm going to have to comb through all this legal jargon and make sense out of nonsense.
The strategy that works for us in these study sessions is to merely answer questions orally. We take turns to read the question aloud. Then we pick out the important details and tag them under, what we deem the most relevant, offenses. After that we argue both sides for a bit, make notes, then decide on the most ideal cases to illustrate the point.
For example... (warning, I'm about to proceed with a Law exam question)
Rasheed is the owner of 15 Bank Lane on which is located a building which houses apartments. At lunch with his friend Dilip, Rasheed says that he is thinking of selling the property and he has an offer of $450 000.00. Dilip, who has always liked the property, offers Rasheed $500 000.00. (Dilip just counter offered... therefore it's up to Rasheed to accept now). Rasheed says,"No problem, consider it sold." (Rasheed accepts Dilips offer)We don't always cover the actual answer of the question... but we try to cover as much we can using the details provided, and debating other hypothetical situations that may stem from such circumstances. Perfect for learning cases.
Ques. (b) Dilip writes a letter to Rasheed enclosing a cheque for $60 000.00 "as 10% deposit on the purchase of Bank Lane". (In the event, Rasheed wishes to leave the verbal agreement... he could try to argue that while he did accept Dilip's offer, he didn't accept the payment terms. Dilip offered $500 000, not to pay in installments. Case on point Neale v. Morrit.) Rasheed cashes the cheque and Dilip begins to make improvements to the property. (Routledge v. Grant permits the revoking of an offer so long as there was no acceptance during the period of the offer standing. However, revocation of the offer is only effective if it is communicated to the referee. The 3 elements of a contract, offer, acceptance and consideration. Cashing the cheque cements his acceptance of the offer and is consideration. Dunlop Numatic Tile Co. Ltd v. Selfridge Co. Ltd.) Rasheed changes his mind about selling the property and Dilip wants to sue him for specific performance. (Specific Performance is where the court would order the other party to perform his part of the bargain.) Neither Rasheed nor Dilip has signed the Agreement of sale as yet, but Dilip has a copy of the letter which he wrote to Rasheed and cashed the cheque. (I'm not absolutely sure... I have to query this or go look it up.. While verbal contracts are just as valid as written contracts. Some contracts need to be signed, sealed and delivered. Under those that have such requirements, I believe Real Property comes under that. Thus, it might be stretching it... but if thats the case... then there is no contract legally binding Rasheed to Dilip since nothing has been signed as yet. However, again I'm not entirely sure... but under Equity, Dilip might be able to get some sort of compensation.)
Advise Dilip of his legal rights.
Ques. (c) Rasheed contacts Dilip to say that he will still let him have the property if Dilip will give him a further $50 000.00 "under the table" so that they will pay reduced transfer tax. Dilip refuses. (tainted with illegality with this 'under the table' business. Case on point, Miller v. Karlinski - employer/employee trying to evade taxes.)
Advise Rasheed of the principle of contract on which Dilip could challenge him.
We took a break around 7. Head down to Andal's on the Carenage to get some student food - Cup Noodles, Twizzlers, Fruta juice, Honey Toasted Flakes. That moment felt like college. Whilst we were dressed the part of students, we acted the part. We walked across the Carenage singing all sorts of crazy songs like... 'Umbrella' by Rihanna and 'If it's loving that you want'... and some others. Then back at the office. She nearly killed me, flinging her umbrella wildly around the room trying to impersonate Rihanna, completely oblivious to the health risks involved to nearby parties... *laughs* her negligance. She owes a duty of care to not inflict inadvertant injury upon me. Any contact between myself and her umbrella would've resulted in a breach of that duty of care and ultimately culminating with damages... No amount of cowering could have saved me, it was by God I came out alive. And the office was fReEzInG. Well... I fell asleep on the couch around 11-12. That basically threw an all-nighter out of the question.
Won't you smile a lot for me?
...just... smile
Well I just finished bathing the dogs. I must admit I actually enjoyed bathing them this time. Usually, I despise bathing the dogs. It involves a great deal of me chasing them, pleading with them to remove themselves from under the car or wherever they're hiding, getting wet unnecessarily, my hands itching and scratching (I think I'm slightly allergic to dogs)... and the whooper, ultimately smelling like a dog.
Today they came willingly. Remained civil, peaceful AND didn't soak me too much. Most of my soaking came from the hose when I was playing around with it. I think I enjoyed it enough to attempt this again next week. *gasp*
Well I'm off to eat lunch.
Shelli Out.
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And an haughty spirit before the fall...
By Shelli 8:54 PM birthday, Daily life, Happy Musings, introspective moods, random thoughtsRiddle me a line
and justify this rhythm
that doesn't explain itself
yet plays with the mind
in the traditional ways
that never cease to exist.
and justify this rhythm
that doesn't explain itself
yet plays with the mind
in the traditional ways
that never cease to exist.
Take it with a grain of salt. Everything. Don't just lick all that soup up like you've never had soup before... Listen as the story explains itself. The tale is retold - there are three sides to the story. Just listen, don't judge. The time for that is not now. Remain wary, but don't cast judgement. Things have a way of sorting themselves out... take it one day at a time.
Breathe in that fresh air. Take a deep breath in. Savour it.
My birthday was lovely. Sher dropped by to drop off my gift... I'm sleepy...
I'll continue this tomorrow.
Shelli out.
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I'm sorry... I guess at this point it is highly recommended that you look away, change webpage, scroll down... if you can't handle pure, unadulterated.... happiness....!!
I think I should bag some of this stuff and save it for a rainy day. *looks outside* Well what d'ya know? It is a rainy day. The rain has finally come and ended the dry season. The blessings are showering upon us washing away all sad thoughts, all pity frowns, all... just look at this happy face. *points at face*
What's a day when you go out and realize that that myth about greener pastures... and find out the reality is that.... *in voice of red M&M when he saw Santa Clause* *gasp for extra effect* DoEs exist.
I went out with Micks today again. They were playing cricket. 'Twas great fun. Lots of good food. Great company. Lots of rain.
I can't really find the ideal words to express how I feel... so i shall leave you with a *hug* and *kiss on cheek*.
Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere and you will find a joy in overcoming obstacles.
There is yet hope for me... I can pull off this Law exam... if I really try. If i really make a conscious effort to try.
This has the potential to be amongst the best birthdays ever - if not the best as is...
*tries to float back down to earth*
*failed attempt*
Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect. It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections.
Be happy..! It's my birthday(tomorrow)...!
Shelli out.
I shall leave you with a few meagre words of wisdom in the absence of my ability to produce such myself........
All I would tell people is to hold onto what is
individual about themselves, not to allow their ambition
for success to cause them to try to imitate the success
of others. You've got to find it on your own terms.
--Harrison Ford
Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide
how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us.
--Stephen Covey
*dances away humming that happy song*
See this sparkle...? *points at eyes*
That's called happiness.
See the natural blush gracing my cheeks...?
That's called happiness.
See this curve perking up the sides
of my lips when i'm lost in reverie...?
That's called happiness.
That's called happiness.
See the natural blush gracing my cheeks...?
That's called happiness.
See this curve perking up the sides
of my lips when i'm lost in reverie...?
That's called happiness.
"Good is never enough when you know better is a possibility." -- Eva
I think I should bag some of this stuff and save it for a rainy day. *looks outside* Well what d'ya know? It is a rainy day. The rain has finally come and ended the dry season. The blessings are showering upon us washing away all sad thoughts, all pity frowns, all... just look at this happy face. *points at face*
*tries to stop smiling*
*failed attempt*
*failed attempt*
What's a day when you go out and realize that that myth about greener pastures... and find out the reality is that.... *in voice of red M&M when he saw Santa Clause* *gasp for extra effect* DoEs exist.
I went out with Micks today again. They were playing cricket. 'Twas great fun. Lots of good food. Great company. Lots of rain.
I can't really find the ideal words to express how I feel... so i shall leave you with a *hug* and *kiss on cheek*.
Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere and you will find a joy in overcoming obstacles.
--Helen Keller
There is yet hope for me... I can pull off this Law exam... if I really try. If i really make a conscious effort to try.
This has the potential to be amongst the best birthdays ever - if not the best as is...
*tries to float back down to earth*
*failed attempt*
Being happy doesn't mean everything's perfect. It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections.
Be happy..! It's my birthday(tomorrow)...!
Shelli out.
I shall leave you with a few meagre words of wisdom in the absence of my ability to produce such myself........
Sooner or later in life everyone discovers that perfect happiness
is unrealizable, but there are few who pause to consider the
antithesis: that perfect unhappiness is equally unattainable.
is unrealizable, but there are few who pause to consider the
antithesis: that perfect unhappiness is equally unattainable.
- Primo Levi
My advice to you is not to inquire
why or whither, but just enjoy your
ice cream while it's on your plate.
why or whither, but just enjoy your
ice cream while it's on your plate.
- Thorton Wilder
Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask,
"Where have I gone wrong?"
Then a voice says to me,
"This is going to take more than one night."
-- Charles M. Schulz, Charlie Brown in "Peanuts"
"Where have I gone wrong?"
Then a voice says to me,
"This is going to take more than one night."
-- Charles M. Schulz, Charlie Brown in "Peanuts"
All I would tell people is to hold onto what is
individual about themselves, not to allow their ambition
for success to cause them to try to imitate the success
of others. You've got to find it on your own terms.
--Harrison Ford
Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide
how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us.
--Stephen Covey
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Natasha Bedingfield
By Shelli 7:07 PM Lyrics, Music, Video'These Words'
I'm getting off my stage
The curtains pull away
No hyperbole to hide behind
My naked soul exposes
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
This is my current single status
My declaration of independence
There's no way I'm tradin' places
Right now a star's in the ascendant