Like moving mountains...
Always... just out of grasp...
Another tiring day.
I can't believe this... today is the first time in the history of me being a teacher that I've left the compounds this late for the mere fact that I was marking papers...! I left probably around minutes to 6, and reached home around 7.30 pm.
I've pulled "don't go to bed till the sun rises" all nighters from marking papers... BUT I was in school.... Ru and I were the last teachers there. The principal and all left... Thank God for the company. Thanks for staying Ru..
My shoulders ache the kind of ache one gets from carrying weight just a little more than usual.
Fortunately I have good friends to help me since the Brazil trip put me back... Thanks Nata and Ru.
Can somebody hand me a distraction? That's what I want for my early Christmas present... a distraction.
This cutie pie just told me the cutest thing... perfect distraction.
See my eyes twinkle now.
Wake up kids
We've got the dreamers disease...
If you feel your dream is dying
Hold tight
You've got the music in you
Don't let go
You've got the music in you
One dance left
This world is gonna pull through
Don't give up
You've got a reason to live
Can't forget you only get what you give
-New Radicals
We've got the dreamers disease...
If you feel your dream is dying
Hold tight
You've got the music in you
Don't let go
You've got the music in you
One dance left
This world is gonna pull through
Don't give up
You've got a reason to live
Can't forget you only get what you give
-New Radicals
So, about Brazil.My most popular Brazil story is about my being attacked by a wild animal in the sub-tropical rain forest.
The story goes like...

So we're staying at the Cataratas Hotel in Foz de Iguassu. The hotel is absolutely gorgeous... I swear it looks like a pink castle, about 60 something years to date I think. It's also the only hotel in the middle of the national rain forest reserve.

So there I was, walking along, minding my business... Fearing nothing in the wilderness, following the crashing sounds of the waterfall to get a closer photo. When.....

Out of NOWHERE....
I was surrounded by a pack of these wild mini-fox looking animals. They were snarling at me. I was terrified. I vaguely remembered the sign by the pool that said what to do in the timely event of encountering wildlife around the area...

I nearly fainted....! But before that happened, one of the vicious cretins just jumped out and bit me.
I mean...
Look at it...
Scroll down slowly... brace yourself...
It's a mighty....
Kind of...
So the real story goes like... That animal is the national animal of the Falls called the Quati(Coati). They're rather friendly, remind me of pigeons how they just walk around like the own the place.
There's several signs around the place that says "DO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS". Who really reads those signs..? Seriously?
I just thought it was soooo adorable. Lorraine told me one let her pet it, so.... with this new knowledge that these cute wild animals let humans pet it, I went out on a mission, dragging her with me, to pet a quati.
The quati was very bored with me and was walking away... until I opened my bag and it came running back. I took out this oat bar I got on the plane and gave it to L. She dangled it over it's head and it stood up on its hind legs walking towards her like.. "Feed me mommy... Feed me."

After a while, we decided to open it and give it a small piece. It ran off into the bush with it. L handed back the remaining bar to me... next thing I know, I'm being bitten. It's a small nip. I believe it was more to get the contents out of my hand.
My dad, mom and Mr. L who were also nearby witnessed the incident and started muttering and grumbling about reading signs and heeding warnings... blah blah blah.
Point is, I just accomplished one thing on my "to-do" list before I die... I stayed in rainforest AND as a plus, I have battle scars to prove. Ok... I have stories of my battle scares from my wild animal attack since the two dots will surely fade in a few weeks.
As we're on the topic of the Falls and things on my to-do list.. I went on the Safari trip, that concluded with a boat ride to get a close up with the falls... and under the falls itself.

.... So thats enough on Brazil for the night.
The ghost hunt at Cataratas hotel shall be reserved for another night.
That's enough cheesy writing for the night.
Shelli out.
Oh wait... did I mention I had a VIP room for my birthday..? Not that that means much... but it's the first time *I* had my own room in a club.