"Yeah I think we broke the law...
...Always say we're gonna stop
....This Friday night
....Do it all again"
-"Last Friday Night" Katy Perry
I've come to the dawning realization that most of my most memorable excursions somehow involve food. What do you think that means?
So Sher and I discovered Umbrellas recently and it became one of our favourite spots. I personally like ambiance and how the place is set up. Food is pretty good, pricey depending on how you look at it --- but worth it. The first time I ever went service was awful, in that everything took forever to reach. However, things have since improved greatly.
She always gets the Club Sandwich... |
I always get the Daddy O' Dog.. |
"Cars serve a function, motorbikes fuel a passion." -
These days my nights consist once more of wild unplanned adventures involving bikes and fun escapades. I used to be rather hesitant about bikes, never really saw the appeal before...
And then I went to a riverfest in the country and I realized bikes and their riders are sexy! Next thing you know, I wanted to learn to ride. As the laws of attraction deems, what you focus your mind on, is what you attract.
After lamenting about not having my license or access to a vehicle to practice on. (Especially since the bf doesn't seem to have even the remotest trust of me behind the wheel of his precious baby) One day I bounced into a close friend I haven't seen in a while - we resumed communication and now?
Last night I had the opportunity to drive
both a manual car
and a bike. The manual car first to get the basics. Then the bike as bikes tend to be manual. I actually rode all by myself. It was epic. Can't wait to do it again...! Now if only the stupid Tropical Storm Ernesto didn't pass, I could've been well enjoying myself tonight... but no --- it's raining cats and dogs.
So my fun escapades has brought me to hidden beaches and abandoned houses. No it's not what you think. Currently, I have a friend visiting from away and in the midst of conversation cool spots would come up. Since we only get to meet up on evenings for the most part due to schedules, late night spontaneity is as good as it's going to get to see some of these places.
This was a spot we found overlooking the airport. It was gorgeous... but I didn't have my good camera with me. Therefore, I had to rely on my android and Picasa's lovely editing abilities. |
Then there was a mini-pool party by Jermaine's house. We cruised around with the top down... Got some of Jermaine's yummy cooking, took a dip in the pool
Drank some wine |
Then Sher and I bounced into some old college friends...
Richie & I |
Richie, Genis & Sher |
Sher and I (btw, you may know her as The Wordy Phoenix poet) |
And then I passed out on my floor...
C'est tout.
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Since I'm out of my depressive funk... A few weeks back, Sher and I went scouring the streets for food (as we normally do on a Friday evening). We passed by this little restaurant that was selling fried jacks. Now, jacks is a small fish of which you can fry and eat everything. Fishermen normally pull them up daily. However, my mom isn't much of a jacks fan, so if I want it, usually I end up buying it myself.
The mere idea of me resorting to buying jacks sent Sher into peels of laughter. Why? She's lives relatively close to the fishing capital of the island
sooo she not only gets jacks free but frequently. *dramatic wistful sigh* Some folks have no idea how lucky they are...
Nice and quaint huh? |
Where the delicious jacks are being housed... |
Me, very content with my jacks. The owner gave me an extra one free. ^.^ |
Sher amused at me... |
And in case you're curious as to where this place is... It's opposite the bus terminal in town. And here's my moment of honesty... You can see it looks a bit sketchy from the outside. However, if you're craving jacks, I recommend them. But if you're not fond of smoking or smokers, there is a good possibility of someone smoking inside as they don't seem opposed to it from my last visit.
And then I went out with another friend, Samuel, that's apparently more tourist than I am (as locals that is) Friday gone. My latest love craze is the Jamaican Patty place opposite the terminal. So that was the first place I took him to. What I love most about them is the specials they have right now. For example, you can get 2 patties of your choice plus a bottled drink for $11.50. My friend got the popcorn shrimp special for a price thereabouts. So to me? The price is right. They also do soups, porridge, fries, etc. Ok, I shall move on to the next topic before I head to town just to get another one. I promised myself after last night, I wasn't going to eat another one........until next week. It's always so good, and hot, and tasty... and maybe my next week shall start Friday.
Then we passed to Bar Lodi Mix on St. John's St. You can find it easily on evenings as the hallway is lit by black lights so the insides glow. The bar has reopened. It's normally busy on a Friday night and there is a pool table if you're into pool. It has a nice chill feel from when I passed on Saturday, with nice couches and high chairs around the bar.
And I got to snap a photo of the mural I did there, which was also my first mural ever.
And then... the bartender told us about some locally done, au natural soaps that are especially good for people with sensitive skin. It's done locally by a lady in Grand Anse who also does facials, and other skin care techniques. The designs on some of the soaps are so intricate that it makes me not want to use it and just put it on my table as a pretty centerpiece. Anyhow, the soaps I saw were done with raw cocoa fat and goat milk. She also does cocoa fat bars for your skin.
The bartender has some for sale at Bar Lodi Mix... so you can pass by if you're interested.
And that's it 'til my next adventure.
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If you got a problem...well you're looking like a target..."
So... I've spent my morning feeling rather inspired. I sauntered over to Sher's blog (yumekari.blogspot.com) and she's been doing lots of creative things recently.
She started an ICAD project, whereby she does a drawing daily
on an index card. Also, she did a project whereby she used colouring, tissue and pipe cleaner. Sounds intriguing? It is! So go peek!
What's been picking my fancy? So I've been running around taking lots of photo references. My folly? I've been taking artistic photo shots... however, it's hard to translate these shots into a painting. At least in my mind...
The other thing that's been intriguing to me? Well we all know I've had a fascination with black paper, hence my night series. But now, after visiting Aunty Dollie's house and attaining a collection of peacock feathers... I'm curious about feathers. Also, after scouring youtube, I found this interesting melted crayon technique.
Progress mark on the project so far...
I had some loose canvas sheets around. I had done a previous sketch that I changed my mind on, so I decided to freestyle an abstract piece and split the sheet. I have yet to mount the pieces... and you know how it goes. I'm still deliberating on if it's really done now.
I particularly love the down feather on the right as it feels soft and furry to the touch.
And then... my crayon experiment. I went to a yard sale early May and I have this bad habit of not being able to see art supplies and not want it. In recent years, I have reconciled my relationship with pencil crayons and discovered its actually a very good medium. So I figured, why not reconcile my relationship with crayons. I haven't dabbled with them experimentally since I was a kid.
This was a frustrating experiment. Firstly, I have nothing hot enough other than an iron to melt crayon without setting the paper afire. In the end, I shaved the crayon and melted the shaved bits. I did the drawing first. Everything was done mostly in paints - the outlines, heliconia, hummingbird, lady in yoga position and the yellow back ground. The rest of the background was done in crayons. I bled paint and glitter polish on the top edges and then added the peacock feather as a final touch. It still feels kinda rough to me... I might come back to this piece in the future...
C'est tout...
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This weekend was a rather rainy weekend. I guess that tropical wave that wasn't supposed to affect us... did. However, while the rain may have dampened the party events, it didn't stop me from going out.
By now, y'all should know I like to go exploring and while I haven't done a blog post on my explorations in a long time, I have been posting pics on my twitter and bbm. The results? Inquiring minds want to know how did I get to where I did.
Therefore, this shall be a blog post about what I did yesterday with a friend and how you can find the same spots.
Fishing expeditions
As per usual, on these short of trips, I'm more the girl that's taking the photos and looking pretty in a corner... than the girl that's reeling the fishing line, cutting fresh bait and pulling hooks out of mouths. (Although I'm not opposed to it.)
So the first spot we went to was the cliffs behind SGU in True Blue. The cliffs are directly behind Caribbean House, past the lawn, yonder into the bushes.
What lies below...
Unfortunately, going down was way easier than going back up. I have scratches all over my thighs and shoulders from dragging myself back up to the top ledge. Never mind that he just hoisted himself up with the ease of a gymnist in seconds to my 5-10 minute struggle. *eye roll* |
bottom ledge |
The gorgeous view |
A hooked snapper. |
Yellow snapper |
The view towards the side facing the airport. |
Then we attempted to go to the cliffs by True Blue beach... which is now fenced off.
Then... lastly, the beach behind the airport runway.
Continue on the road to La Source... and then pass La source and continue along the rough path/road until you reach the dead end... and park. |
Find the path alongside the fence... it's a bit bushy now from all the rain but it's still navigable. |
Where paths part ways... bottom path? This one takes you to the first beach. Top path? Takes you to the one later on in the photos. |
the beach... should you decide to go through the bushes. |
View from the top path. |
And then he was like... go look over the edge *big grin* Least to say, I was not amused. |
The rocks... and the beach. On the other side of the fence? The Maurice Bishop International Airport runway. |
This bottom ledge was wayyyy easier to get to than the one at SGU. Hmph! |
And of course, my vanity shot... my only shot as my camera died and memory cards failed. *sigh* |
'Twas great fun. In the end, "we" caught 3 small snapper - two yellow, one red. I say we because we all know how important moral support is.
So 'til the next post my lovelies!
Shelli out,
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