This isn't going to be a very long post word-wise. I'm posting photos I took in the Levera mangrove wetlands and Levera beach. Prior to today, I had never been to the wetlands before. I've seen the lake from high ground and a bit from the beach... but never the way I saw it today. We had to wade through the water because of all the rain... However, that was fine. I like that kind of stuff - I call it a sense of adventure. The water was warm too... and fresh water as well (it's a lake). Enjoy... Do excuse any overly edited photos. I may have gotten a bit carried away experimenting...
Oh... by the way, I went with a group of young people - a collection from college and university. We were observing various protected areas, national parks, scenic locations, etc. on the island for the purpose of familiarizing ourselves for our conservation field surveys.
Wading in the water |
roll 'em jeans up. |
Jamie now realizing he can't walk along the edge the whole way... without ending up in the water to get to the bridge. |
Walking through... |
Jamie |
There's a lil' tower |
Look at the stilt roots...! |
The lake |
footsy? |
A moment in time reserved for personal vanity shots... lol |
Danielle |
I thought this was amazing. I never saw this before. Yes I'm aware it's most likely just me... But the mangrove in Woburn doesn't look like this to me. Then again, we didn't really go in the mangrove itself... But still, these are above us on the path. |
Levera Beach - fellow members |
Other side of the lake...that touches the beach side. |
There are huge fish in there... in the water where it's dark brown appears to be super deep. We took one step forward in the light brown area and a huge fish jumped out. Seriously?! And people swim there?! I'm sorry. Grand Anse beach had trained me to not trust anything that's not crystal clear blue with white sand see-it-to-the-bottom. I don't want any fish nipping on my toes. Hmph... Ms. Constantine said she thinks there's barracuda in it as well. Barracuda?! That's not a friendly fish...! However, I'm not sure if it's possible for it to survive very long in the lake though...salt water fish in fresh water? There's also tilapia and such. |
Cowardly figure afraid to step further in after seeing a fish attempt at toe-nipping. (I'm kidding.. it just jumped out of the water. But nuntheless... me nah ah go in dey fuh nuttin, miss mehh) |
First photo post out of the way.
Next in line...... Botany field trip.
Shelli out.
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This is going to be a lonnnng night. I have more photos from today. I'm getting into this photo editing software I have and suddenly I want to edit everything... enhance colours, tweak borders, etc... Hopefully I get something posted tonight. Peep back later?
While you're waiting you could check through this guy's blog. His name is anonymous1 and well... he's anonymous. The blog is called "Eavesdropping in the Boys Club." He speaks a book about men in general and how they think. I thought his stuff was pretty interesting. To any males reading my blog, I'm sure if you glimpse this guy's posts, you're going to think he's a sell out. And... to the females, I'm sure you'd gasp to yourself as he describes situations I'm sure you or someone you know has found yourself/his/herself in. Introductory link
"How your perception of him could be helping him make a fool of you" and it starts 'Women might be able to fake orgasms but men can fake a whole relationship.' It basically speaks about the importance of actions matching words and the state of being in denial as a female. Click the hyperlink above to peek see.
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Blog update later on... editing the photos.. this is gonna take a while.
Thus, I shall leave you with a quote.
“The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to a close. In its place, we are entering a period of consequences."
-Sir Winston Churchill
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"Hands down I'm too proud for love
But with eyes shut it's you I'm thinking of
I guess... I'm a little bit, little bit, little bit in love with you"
- Drake
Let's try something new.
What's that? Green nails? Yes. Meet Shelli refurbished.
It's a new month. I know I'm really lagging with updates. I promise to do something about the situation.
This semester has proven to be challenging thus far. Challenging not because of the courses or anything like that, but because life happens. The most sucky part about being a student again -- is unemployment. I'm sure if I were in NY this problem wouldn't be a problem because they just love students over there... You know, underpaid, desperate, flexible labour. Whereas in Grenada everything seems so 8-4, unless you were employed and then applied for school and worked something out with your boss. It seems hard to just jump in fresh as a student... Or perhaps I'm just looking at all the wrong places...
Right now, I'm checking out all the night job options... from hotels to bar tending. I'm down for whatever, like four flat tires. Long story short, I hate being dependent. Dependency is not for me, we're not friends.
Aside from that, I had some personal drama to sort out. I can't even say it's been sorted.
But I can say I've sorted myself out. At the beginning of this year a good friend told me something that we all know "If it's not being said directly to you, and your name is not being called, do not assume it is about you." How many times have we assumed that something was about us, when it completely wasn't... Or, how many times have we assumed something was about us, and we were correct
however ambiguity of statements just meant more stress on your part?
I propose the motion that in 2011, bliss is ignorance preserved. That is, don't go looking for stuff, because you may not like the answers you find.
Keep it G people.
See? Don't I look intimidating? lol
Double kisses.
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