My friend Sergey's screen name said 'Where is your God?'.
Being who i am, i couldn't but help my curiosity being piqued just a little (to say the least). So, i proceeded to question him about such a public broadcast of such words, wondering whether he was implying something to a class of people regarding something i must've missed in the news. There's so much of that going on these days...
It turns out... He says the one thing i didn't expect. Maybe i'm just behind the curve because my location is on this little spice isle of mine. Or maybe its just me who missed it because i rarely find time to watch news anyways.
NUNtheless... let me not digress any further - Burger King.
Convo excerpt below.
Sergey says:
it's just a fad circuling around
Sergey says:
and the presence of the burger king is related to that question, apparently
Sergey says:
no deeper meaning
Sergey says:
no "in-between-the-lines"
Shelli... Fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtue. says:
burger king?
Sergey says:
Sergey says:
I agree, it's silly
Shelli... Fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtue. says:
-.- people
Ofcourse yours truly needs no more prompting. I Googled it one time -
Burger King... where is your god?. So it seems there
is indeed
some association with the phrase and Burger King. Also, it is some fad of sorts...But then i stumbled onto this article.
Excerpt below
The Sun has a bizarre story today (thanks Laura) about Burger King recalling its ice-cream cones that have a swirly design that offends some Muslims....
...It beggars belief that the Muslim Council of Britain keep giving credence to these stupid stories with their own quotes. For god’s sake, it only gives the impression that all Muslims are hyper-sensitive. BK should never have changed this, I haven’t seen a single campaign or email about this issue...
Read more
here...... and an ironic cartoon on the subject shall be posted as soon as i find it... -.-
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The long search is over... I, Shells, have decided to discontinue my
intense search for a job... because I found one. ^^*
I shall be teaching Art at a high school. Hopefully I'll be a good teacher. I would
HATE to be the teacher that I used to complain about when I was a student.. ie, can't teach, too young, can't teach, fresh out of college, can't teach... etc etc.
As fate should have it... My dad was telling me that when he was looking for a job back when he was younger, for the first time after getting his qualifications. He was called into interviews and such, but he didn't get called back to work..... Until one of the best companies to work for, took him in. Then all of sudden, all the job offers started pouring - especially those that were cutting styles on his application/interviews.
The same day I got through with the Art teaching job, I found out the Ministry wants me to teach Literature at some other school. Mind you, I had indeed wanted to teach Lit. but i got over that want when I realized (or thought it to be...) futile. Then I found out yesterday that there's an availability at a law firm for me. The whooper would be if RBTT calls. I wanted to go to RBTT -.-... They pay very well (much better than a teacher), take good care of their employees.. and I haven't received a response from them yet. *sighs* oh well...
I'm sleepy. I went to the beach yesterday with some friends. Yesterday was officially the last day of being 18, first time not being in school, not working anywhere, being innocent to the tough ways of the world when it comes to work.
It was much fun. The water was very warm and lovely.
I'm sleepy.
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Is it just me... or has television gone in the wrong direction?
What ever happened to quality, good shows that when you leave and turn off the screen, you leave content, knowledgeable whilst maintaining morals and values. (Don't get me wrong. My concensus is not that ALL shows have gone down the gutter, there
are some good shows out there...)
Today, I can't even look at Cartoon Network properly anymore. Who ever thought there would come a time when you'd actually have to go search the TV Guide to find out when Tom & Jerry would be scheduled to show? All the good cartoons have been replaced by... these cartoons, the majority of which i could barely stomach.
No more... Johny Quest, G-Force, Scooby Doo, Flintstones, Pink Panther, The Jetsons... etc
Also, what ever happened to the children shows? Me and a friend of mine, Liz, were discussing this just this morning. Children shows as we know it - are long gone.
'Barney' has changed. It's no longer fun and 'Barney' with a few friends... it's tragically different now. Everytime i look at it, or try to, there's someone new and everything has transformed into something *perks eyebrow, weird gaze* different. Hell, even 'Seasame Street' has transformed into something yucky. 'Arthur', one of my childhood favourites, is not the same. The voices have changed... No more 'Mr. Roger's Neighbourhood. No more 'Wishbone', which was always a delight to watch... who can't help but love a show with man's best friend AND storytelling/re-enacting pieces of history and folklore. No more 'Reading Rainbow'... and 'Shining Time Station'... 'Lamb Chops Playhouse'... 'Theodore Tugboat'... 'Book of Virtue'....'Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?'...
Maybe one or two mentioned above are still running... but it's not the same. This Teletubbies... Could someone please tell me what exactly are children learning from big odd creatures with televisions on their stomachs and a baby in the sun? Are they trying to help children take longer to speak? Thank God i didn't grow up in that time. I was spared the nightmare of it all...
On a slight digression... what about all the shows that created and nurtured a bond between man and animal? Rin tin tin, Lassie, All Dogs Go to Heaven.. *sigh*
Just look at the values today's shows present?
Remember the good old days of Family Matters where pertinent realistic issues arise, humour is maintained and the moral not missed.
One of today's biggest hits is "Two and a Half Man" which admittedly is funny. But i'm still debating whether or not i truly appreciate the show, or understand and agree to the mixed values it is sending out.
In the show, there are 3 main characters - Charlie, his brother and his nephew. Charlie sleeps around, and that is no secret. He has very little value for women other than their purpose in bed. His brother on the otherhand, tries to bring forth the importance of family, respect and discipline. YET, this is lost because his character has the weakest personality to convince anybody even though he tries. However, his credibility twindles soon as he finds an.... air head (to say the least, for the lack of a better word/phrase) who he sleeps with and tolerates because she likes him (or what he can give her) despite his weak personality. His son, has absolutely no respect for his elders. I remember one episode where Charlie was entrusted with his care, and you would think he could control his nephew. Everytime he told his nephew no, he winded up getting his nephew what he wanted. What ever happened to 'who's the adult and who's the child?'.
That's not the only show that promotes such... there are those that promote promiscuity, drinking, smoking... and MANY of the shows that children get to see contain adult content and suggestive language - like Spongebob Square Pants. Then again, the parents should be doing their duty and being responsible with their children viewing television... i could go on and on about this.. i'll stop now. *sigh*
Wishbone Redemption Wrote: |
Personally, even if that is the case, I don't think it matters much.
Because what kind of culture are we if our only source of 'traditional morals and family values' comes from the television? If parents already have out-of-control kinds, a sitcom isn't to blame, other factors in their family life are (such as how they were raised themselves.) And if a family is well-adjusted and respectful of one another, it's not because the parents watched TV that reflected common, well-liked values.
The media reflect the society; I think you've got it backwards. The show you described isn't encouraging anything, it's merely portraying a common or relatable incident. So our society degenerated the supposed 'values', not the TV show. It's just playing off of that. |
Exactly, the media DOES reflect society. However, the media also influences what people condone and what they don't condone. Television in today's society along with the other forms of media is extremely influential on our train of thought with many issues, whether we admit it or not.
But that just proves my point even more. They have the option.. the power.. the ability to convey what is right and not condone and encourage what is wrong... YET they don't.
Saying that the problem is just society and its not the media's fault does justify it. If you're in a position to make something better, change it for the good, shouldn't you do it? Change your thoughts, change the world.
Quote: |
It's just a sitcom. It's meant to be funny. Aparently, somebody thinks its funny. I think you're overanalyzing the show. |
Overanalzing am i? Today's culture is to make important issues seem trivial. Promoting promiscuity is trivial? Hello - there's an increase in teenage pregnancies and all those wonderful delights related to it.
I highly doubt i'm over analyzing it. You can make a joke but you don't have to promote something thats wrong. If you do, then where does that leave us? If we laugh at the wrong things and condone the wrong things as a nation..? As a people?
Then again... i posted a similar topic on Gaia "
Values presented in new shows"(excerpt above).. On my poll "TV sitcoms have undermined family" only 27% responded in absolute certainty against such notions... and one of the responses argued that television is a reflection of society.
Shows should have a stronger family value atleast..(like Diamondz said) Kids today are alot more disrespectful to their parents than those of yesterday... If we can't get the family value in real life... can't we not atleast get it on tv before its all extinct?
If that's the case... then i reluctantly admit, it's not tv that's gone down the gutter... it's us.
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After talking so much smack about how good i am at tennis, and how athletic i am.... I lost horribly. As i walked onto the court, and observed Adam playing doubles i realized there was ZERO competition.
Mind you, in my defense, I was athletic. I was to do cross country every year. I even placed in the top 10 once, in the early days. I grew lazier with age and mom would end up joining me half the journey discouraging any thought of dropping out. She was one of the teachers in charge of our House (Red Team) and she sure as hell wasn't going to let a contributory point pass by. Besides, i didn't mind. Gives me something to tell my grandkids when i have them.
I also did high jump (once), swimsplash (every year... infact my mom sent me to swimmng lessons just so that i could learn to swim and get points for the team. lol.) and I even took part in a interschool swimming competition (once). I did track every year and placed well in most of my races (with several medals as evidence). AND i did tennis.
So in my mind I was an athlete.
Now... two years later, after relinquishing all ties with sporty things and clingy solely to academics i find myself even worse off than i was before. I pride myself on not suffering from muscle aches and such if i should feel the impulse to go jog or do some sport, despite me being out of practice with sports of any persuasion. I had faith in myself that the average tennis player in me can reveal itself.
I was wrong.
I couldn't serve the proper way - i ended up doing the bounce the ball on the court and hit over the net. -.-
I couldn't hit the ball into the squares to prevent it from being outside - when i managed to make it over the net.
I missed balls that were coming straight at me - and for a good bit, if i managed to hit it... strangely enough i ended up hitting it onto the next court, above my head, or behind me.
I also became desperately tired (and thirsty) 15 minutes into the game.
I conclude,
I suck.
Fortunately, the perfectionist in me refuses to accept defeat (that's so blatantly obvious).
I've taken up jogging, which yes i know, long-term effects is that its bad for my knees. But screw my knees, must get better at tennis. I'm going and perform a full hunt for MY raquet. I also believe thats a reason for my defeat. I borrowed a racquet from Adam because I couldn't find mine. My racquet and I have a special bond... a special connection... Ok poor excuse.
I shall be fit again.
I seriously have to work on my forehand. -.- It's horrific.
Shelli Out.
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I went out today on my jobhunt. Eekies.
I know how much i used to accuse some people i know living abroad of hiding behind the "the economy is bad" statement as a cheap excuse not to work. However, i realize now that i'm actually now struggling to get a toe, much less a foot, in the system it's pretty much the truth.
I can't vouch for the states. But i can speak for here.
Right now it's awful. The job market is flooded. I'm trying desperately to get into a teaching job but i can't.
It seems apparent that there is actually a decrease in the number of primary school students attending primary schools. Thus, there is a surplus of primary school teachers. As a means to rectify the problem, the Ministry of Education is trying find vacancies within the secondary schools to place the qualified (ex-) primary school teachers. Furthermore, i heard a rumour from Zel that what she's hearing is that Teachers who did Teacher Education courses have first priority over those who didn't do such courses. Essentially we're all here.
Sitting, waiting, wishing, hoping.
Shelli out.
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Have some composure
And where is your posture?
Oh no no!
You're pulling the trigger
Pulling the trigger all wrong
-'Time to dance' Panic! at the Disco
Today was hectic but delightful.
What did I do? I went to college and tried to dig myself a path through this muck that is the *job hunt*. I dropped off my gift for one of my teachers (art), my small token of appreciation. She loved it.
When I first joined her class I really thought she hated me. Seriously. I had almost
nothing nice to say about her. Not that I was hearing the sweetest recommendations overflowing about her. Coming down to the end of the course what I realized is ... she's a gem. Throughout your school life you quickly realize sometimes, unless you're one of the lucky ones, that not all teachers care. This teacher is one that does. I joined a 2 year course one year late and she pushed me. She was particularly tough, but then again, she was tough on us all. That behaviour is one of the unique traits of a teacher that cares.
You know whats funny? Life.
So far in a short period of time...
I had the friendship that I idolized and dreamed of existing with a friend - "best friend"... And realized that what I wanted it to be, it no longer was... *sigh*
and a host of other things...
And while self-realization can be an unpleasant experience, I'm learning and I'm still alive.
Also, strangely enough... I'm happy today.
On a way off note....
According to the
Washington Post, it seems apparent that "Diddy" (Sean Combs) is no longer Diddy in the UK due to a lawsuit. His recent name change last year from P. Diddy to Diddy created some confusion regarding names with a London-based music producer Richard "Diddy" Dearlove. As a result of the name change, Dearlove started receiving emails sent by people who thought he was Sean Combs.
Hmm... what's up with all these name changes? Today everyone is fixing their name. '
Lil Bow Wow' is now just 'Bow Wow' and
'Snoop Doggy Dogg', as of 1996, became 'Snoop Dogg'.
*sigh* Is it all really that necessary?
That's all.
Shelli out.
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Listening to "The Bridge" by Elton John
OMG, am I the only one who thinks this child is gorgeous? Ok, so maybe I'm not the only one. Infact, several other blogs have made statements of the like. BUT she IS amongst
the most adorable babies I've ever seen.
Despite the vast distance between the U.S. and my petite Caribbean isle, I have still managed to get involved in the drama that is the typical celebrity life. One of my aunts has subscriptions to all the juicy "reliable" celebrity magazines like People, National Enquirer, etc. and naturally I couldn't help but be taken in by it all. I was chiming away at the weirdness surrounding Suri's lack of presence and bordering on whether she does exist at all.... I mean I've heard versions of theories regarding it, as I'm sure the rest of the world has, ranging from Katie and Tom not even being together to begin with and it being all for publicity to... erm... just weird stuff.
BUT none of that matters anymore... I mean c'mon... JUST LOOOK AT THAT GORGEOUS bundle of joy. She looks so cute. So much like her parents. SO delightful. Congrats Tom and Katie. *big grin* Congrats indeedy. Best wishes.

(This is my fave pic of her... just look at the cutie pie)
For more pics,
this blog has many. And
this one.
Ok enough gushing about the baby. I've already blabbed to ALL my friends, insisted that they MUST see Suri, and *attempted* to convert them on my "Suri is so gorgeous" bandwagon.
Now, due to the rising of my allergies i'm forced to acknowledge the heat. I know that I'm an island girl and this should be nothing,
but geez, it's hot..! It's very humid as well. It's hot and humid. How lovely. One just has to love icky weather. Atleast the moon is out right?
You know, being 18, fresh out of college and jobless is quite an experience. Who ever thought finding a job would be this hard... AND its not that I'm not qualified, maybe I'm not searching hard enough. It is my understanding the job market is flooded. Thus, I should seek harder. But I figure I'm suffering from post-vacation-and-no-school(for the first time) syndrome.
I visited college to see a couple teachers and I felt so awkward. At first it was like - do they think I shouldn't be here..? Or even worse, do they believe I'm repeating because I flunked my classes? (which I did not, for the record.) Then I got over myself, and realized that I look like one of them. This realization dawned on me when a couple of "young'ns" were trying to hit on me as I walked pass "The Tree" on the hill. It was all in my head. It seems fortunate that I graduated when I did in a way though because all those jokes about school being a prison seem more of a reality. Although I'm sure there is a completely reasonable, justifiable, plausible reason (as in to make the environment appear more conducive and rid of the undesirables that wander into the college begging for money). There are all these gates and barbed wire fences. Yes indeed, I bet it is for our own protection. Yes that's what it is.
OOOH... I must say also that one MUST walk across the Carenage at night if ever on this beautiful isle (Grenada). Me and my friends walked across for old times' sake, Wednesday I believe it was. The moon was out, and the reflections of the lights of the town at night on the water... *sighs* I shall take a photograph someday and post it here.
*sighs contentedly*
Shelli out.
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Ok. Here's to the first post.
May this blog live up to my expectations.
Shelli out.
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